4 Sim Shalom

Music by Julie Silver

A lovely setting of this piece of liturgy translated (roughly) thus:

Grant peace, goodness, blessings, grace, loving kindness and mercy to us, and to all people.

Bless each of us Eternal One, with the light of your presence, for by that light, you have given us unbreakable love, life and peace.

May we be worthy in your sight to bless us, now and always, with your peace.

Or something like that...

3 Oh Adonai

A requited love song.

2 Grateful

How much do we push? How much are we pulled? For when the world seems upside down.

1  How We're Blessed

For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, for better and for worse... how we're blessed. Performed live in virtual concert on June 4th, 2020

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